NO.1 Smartwatch User Manual

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NO.1 Smartwatch User Manual

Hi! On this page you can find and download user’s guides for such smartwatches as: NO.1 F1, Fundo Bracelet, NO.1 D7, NO.1 D6, NO.1 D5+, NO.1 G7, d6, NO.1 G6, Funfit App, NO.1 S9, NO.1 G8, NO.1 GS8, Watch Helper, NO.1 F4, NO.1 Fundo Pro.

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NO.1 D5 PDF User Manual.pdf 3.4Mb Download
NO.1 F1 PDF User Manual.pdf 712.5kb Download
NO.1 F2 Fundo Bracelet PDF User Manual.pdf 624kb Download

About NO.1

The Chinese company No.1 (the full name of Shenzhen nuojiayan science and technology co., Ltd) appeared on the mobile device market in 2013, but in just one year it became famous even in the Russian market. The company specializes in producing copies of various brands, like many other Chinese companies. Ambitious name of the company justified, having managed to release in one year several different devices, gradually raising the price bar and the size of the device in inches.

No.1 f3 user manual

No.1 F3

Company products No.1

To date, No.1 produces five different smartphones that are freely available on the company’s official website. It is already known that the company plans to have at least 1 tablet PC based on Android. As a transitional product, the company released a NO.1 smartphone with a 7 “screen (P8) and positioned it on the market as a miniPad.

NO.1 G8 User manual

NO.1 G8


As for the software part, everything here is usually for Chinese manufacturers: the Android system allows you to use any applications from the Google Market, if they have enough processor power and the amount of RAM.

As well as in other Chinese copies, wherever there is no standard translation, there are minor problems with localization. In addition, the phones come with preinstalled Chinese applications, which are difficult to get rid of.

NO.1 d7 user manual

NO.1 d7

As for software support, now it’s too early to judge, but many expect a standard trend for China – firmware updates will end very quickly, leaving users with an “outdated” model. Will the company on a different path become known only by the next year.